MakAnoh Studio Apps

Acid - Base Titration 2.1
This application is a simulation to understandthe workings and the steps in performing the titration (in thiscase the acid-base titration). It is suitable for chemistrystudents because this application is easy to use with user friendlydesign. The way the application is user input samples to betitrated (currently only 1 sample) a few ml and then diluted to1000 ml with distilled water, and finally take the diluted sampleinto the erlenmeyer. Finally did titration.The latest update with the addition of a menu along with adescription of its chemical elements based on the number of atomsof the periodic table
Tebak Gambar Klasik 1.0
Tebak Gambar Klasik merupakan permainantebakan kata-kata yang didapat dari susunan gambar maupun hurufsehingga menghasilkan rangkaian 2 kata yang meiliki artitersendiri. Permainan yang sangat mengasyikkan dan menyenangkanuntuk mengisi waktu luang anda.Cara bermain sama seperti tebak gambar pada umumnya, namun disinianda diberi koin untuk memudahkan permainan dimana koin tersebutdapat digunakan untuk membuka bantuan. Jika koin habis makapermainan berakhir dan harus diulang dari awal. Ayo kumpulkan koinsebanyak-banyaknya dan bagikan pada teman-teman anda.Pada versi 1.0 soal terdiri dari 2 level, setiap level memiliki20 soal.Guess Pictures Classicsis a game of guess the words and the images obtained from thecomposition so as to produce a series of two-letter word that hasparticularly special meaning. The game is very exciting and fun tofill your spare time.How to play the same as the picture guess in general, but here youare given coins to facilitate the game in which the coins can beused to open the help. If the coins out then the game ends and mustbe repeated from the beginning. Let's collect as many coins andshare with your friends.On the matter of version 1.0 consists of two levels, each levelhas 20 questions.